Mutual funds related FAQs

How can an investor know about the investment of mutual fund scheme collected by the investors ?

Mutual funds must publish the full portfolios of all their schemes every half-yearly in newspapers. Some mutual funds send their portfolios to unitholders.

This portfolio displays the investment in each security, like government securities , equity, money market instruments, etc. Their quantity, market value, and % to NAV. Portfolio statements must also disclose any illiquid securities within the portfolio and investment in non-performing assets (NPAs) rated or unrated.

A few mutual funds send out newsletters on a quarterly basis to unitholders. These newsletters also include portfolios from the schemes.

Who can be eligible for investment in mutual funds ?

What does Net Asset Value (NAV ) refers to ?

What does Purchase Price means ?

What does Redemption Price means ?

What does Exit Load means ?

What does the Scheme Information Document and the Statement of Additional Information means ?

What is the importance of the Scheme information Document and Statement of Additional Information to investors ?

What does cut - off timing means ?

What does Current Value of investment means ?

When Net Asset Value is announced ?

After making investment ,how i will receive my account statement ?

What can a person do if he does not receive account statement ?

What are the steps for Redemption ?

What Systematic Investment Plan (SIP ) does works?

What Rupee Cost Averaging does works ?

Can an investor have directly redemption proceeds to his bank account ?

What documents need to be submitted with a purchase application ?

What is the history of indian mutual funds and role of SEBI in mutual funds in India ?

In what form mutual fund is set up?

What does sector specific funds work ?