Payment in IPO FAQs

At the time of applying for an IPO,do I need to pay any brokerage?

No brokerage fee is charged for IPO applications. Only the minimum amount of money in your bank account is required to apply for an IPO. From the time you apply to the finalization, basis of allotment, your money will be …

How can I select the ASBA payment option when applying for an IPO Stocks through online portals or ICICI Direct?

Online payment options for ASBA 'Applications supported by Blocked Accounts' are now available to investors who use 20 Microns Limited is ICICI Direct's first IPO offering with ASBA payment. Issue is currently open. It has been subscribed 0.2113 times …

If I apply through 'Self Certified Syndicate Bank,' my money will be blocked, but it is in my savings account. Will I receive interest for that period of time?

Yes, you will receive the interest on the money that has been locked in savings account with SCSB Bank for applying in IPO.

Can an investor withdraw or cancel the IPO application (or bid) submitted through ASBA payment option via SCSB?

Yes. Investors can withdraw their application in the same way they would with other payment options. The blocked amount will be available within 1 working day after the withdrawal.

using ASBA method can an investor apply in lower price band?

No. In the current ASBA form, individual retail investors can apply at cut-off -price in order to use ASBA's payment option.

What is the bank's requirement to have money in customers accounts in order to lock ASBA payment option?

The money will be required by the bank to place the bid for IPO shares via ASBA payment option. SEBI clearly stated that banks won't accept IPO applications before blocking the bidding amount (for ASBA). The amount will be locked …

If customers choose ASBA IPO Payment Options, will banks charge additional fees?

No, they don't.

I don't have a SCSBs bank account listed on SEBI Website. Can I still apply for IPO's with ASBA payment option for IPO?

An investor must have an account with SCSB in order to apply for an IPO using the ASBA payment method. Your bank may not be listed as SCSB. However, some branches might not have the ability to process IPO applications …

List down the process flow foe ASBA payment method.

Self-certified Syndicate Banks accept individual retail investors to bid for IPO shares at Cut-Off prices through internet banking or at designated branches. The bank acknowledges the investor along with the IPO Application No. Bank will block the amount in the …

Who are SCSBs(Self certified syndicate banks)and How do I find out if my bank allows me to apply for an IPO through the ASBA payment method?

Banks that are certified by SEBI allow retail investors to apply for IPO's using ASBA payment methods. They are called 'Self Certified Syndicate Banks' (SCSBs). SCSB has the ability to block the IPO Application amount till IPO allotments have been …

What are the essential requirements to apply through ASBA payment method?

These are the essential requirements to apply through ASBA Payment Mode: ASBA is only available to retail investors at the moment. A 'Self Certified Syndicate Banks' (SCSB) should have the account of the investor. SEBI will soon have a list …

In an IPO what is ASBA payment method?

The Applications Supported By Blocked Amount (ASBA Process) was introduced in July 2008. It is an alternative payment method for IPO applications where the IPO bidding amounts remain in investors account but are blocked by the bank until the allotment. …